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Why Way We Were

In the words of the Founder…

Q1. What the vision & inspiration behind setting up the farm ?

A1. My earlier days of social work, around 2011, gave me good exposure to rural agriculture & experiencing some Health –transforming foods like Desi Cow’s Milk, Pure Ghee, clean vegetables, etc. Digging deeper into this, some shocking revelations came my way:

  1. Milk & its derivative products were heavily adulterated about which the urban consumer was blissfully unaware. 
  2. There was a great ‘Price differential” between prices of Desi Ghee in Urban markets & rural areas (being higher in villages).
  3. The disconnect between the farmer & the consumer became evident on two fronts, one was food prices & second, the correct way of growing & consuming seasonal foods. 
  4. By now, I had already begun feeling the difference to my health & was wondering how come the food that I ate in villages got digested faster & I felt much lighter after eating it. 

All the above & much more inspired us on this journey of “Food & its impact on our health in the long run”. 

We now had an inspirational vision to bridge the farmer-consumer gap !

Q2. How difficult was it to get into the organic/natural sector? What were the challenges you faced in the initial years ?

A2) Honestly, transitioning into the organic/natural sector from a chemical engineering background was a significant shift, albeit an enjoyable one driven by my passion. Challenges in the initial years included a lack of farming experience, educating urban consumers about food quality, and scaling production to match demand.

We started with a "Cow-Centric" model focusing on Gir Cow milk and experimented with natural farming methods. The quality of milk improved notably when we began growing our own fodder instead of buying commercial fodder from the market. This prompted us to explore the potential impact of naturally grown, chemically-free foods on human health.

Educating consumers was crucial, so we participated in farmers markets, conducted free sampling sessions, and engaged in direct sales. Transparency was key; we invited people to visit our farms in Noida and conducted live experiments to showcase the benefits of our approach.

Scaling production presented challenges, as we needed to acquire more land and employ more farmers. Convincing farmers to embrace natural farming again was unexpectedly difficult, but we persevered. Shifting from tractor to bullock ploughing led to another discovery: soil health improved drastically without added manure.

Logistics became a significant investment as we expanded our reach to deliver our products to consumers in Delhi/NCR. Timely deliveries were essential to prevent spoilage and maintain the integrity of our products. Despite challenges, word of mouth and the tangible impact of pure, toxin-free food on health drove customer acquisition.

We continuously educate consumers about the natural appearance of foods and the ongoing challenges of farming. Despite overcoming many hurdles, farming remains a challenging occupation, and we are committed to persisting on this journey diligently.

Q3. Describe your product line & the awards/certifications they have ? Do you sell your products pan- India? If yes, to which states.

A3. Our product line includes raw Desi Cow's milk, Desi Ghee, fresh yellow butter, paneer, buttermilk, organic vegetables, freshly ground flours, cold-pressed cooking oils, skincare and hair oils, pickles, and honey. While we have FSSAI certification, we intentionally haven't pursued organic certification, relying instead on our transparent, naturally produced products and growing customer base for validation.

Although we haven't actively sought awards, we've been invited to speak at various forums for our work in natural cow-centric farming. Our perishable items like milk, butter, Paneer, and buttermilk are sold in Delhi/NCR, while non-perishable items like ghee, cereals, and pulses are shipped pan-India via courier and Amazon. While we haven't mapped sales state-wise, our products reach several states across the country.

Q4. Why did you choose the name ' Way We Were'?

A4. We named our venture "Way We Were" because as time passed, we noticed a significant shift in our health, largely attributed to changes in our food and eating habits. Three crucial aspects had transformed: how food was grown, milled, and consumed. Recognizing this, we made a conscious decision to return to traditional methods of food production and consumption to assess their impact on our well-being.

Our name embodies this journey back to the basics, back to a time when food was simpler, purer, and perhaps healthier. It's a reminder of the wisdom of the past and an invitation to rediscover the nourishing practices that sustained our ancestors. "Way We Were" encapsulates our commitment to restoring the essence of food and its connection to our health and heritage.